
New York Life Discounts

We know that there’s no such thing as being too prepared. That’s why PetSmart has partnered with New York Life to provide these essential services to our full-time associates.

  • New York Life Secure Travel provides free, valuable services for business and vacation travel, including pre-trip information, emergency medical assistance, and emergency personal services to our full-time associates. For more information, call New York Life Secure Travel at 1-888-226-4567.
  • New York Life Identity Theft Program provides tools to help our full-time associates when someone uses their personal information without their permission to commit fraud or other crimes. Our identity theft program provides a review of credit information to determine if an identity theft has occurred, an identity theft resolution kit, and an identity theft affidavit for credit bureaus and creditors To learn more about how to protect yourself, click here.
  • New York Life Will Preparation makes it easy for our full-time associates to take charge of those difficult life and health legal decisions. There are no more reasons to hesitate planning for the future with New York Life’s online will preparation services. 

Discount usage is subject to verification of employment and/or affiliation with PetSmart employee status by provider. They are subject to change by the providers, and PetSmart does not guarantee that using these discounts will result in the best possible price.